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Project Settings


Project Settings Page Overview

  1. Project Name: Edit Project Name
  2. Project Status: This toggle will allow you to set a project to Inactive or Active
  3. Project Owner: Edit Project owner anytime
  4. Reveleer Project Contact(s): This allows a user to configure an email to send notifications to once chases have been added via data load to a project. Multiple emails can be added via a comma separated list.
  5. Dates: These fields can be updated but are for informational purposes only
  6. GetNext for Retrieval: This toggle enables automatic retrieval assignment
  7. GetNext for Clinical: This toggle enables automatic clinical assignment
  8. Dual Role Assignment: If you have employees who perform both Retrieval and Clinical you can set them up for dual role. If enabled, the chase will remain assigned to that user.
  9. Pursuit Approvals: This lets you determine if Pursuits require a Manager/Admin to approve before a chase is created. 
  10. New Chase Creation: This lets you determine if Documents can be added to chases that are in overread and beyond. 
  11. Inactive Chases: This lets you determine if Documents can be added from document Intake to chases that are Inactive. 
  12. Document QA settings:  Here you can define the QA percentage you would like reviewed for accuracy for each retrieval method listed. Retrieval Methods are: Fax, Mail, EMR, Field Tech, Provider, Bulk Upload, FTP, Intake, MRR Upload, Pend Upload, PSR Upload, SMRC, Portal Upload, and 3rd Party Upload.
  13. Max Pages: This can be used to flag charts that have a large number of pages. If chase exceeds max, the chase will go to Doc QA for review, prior to going to Data Entry.






Annotations are visible in audit packages but not in the version of the records that Reveleer sends at the end of the project.

 Project Settings Tab is the same for all project types: HEDIS, Risk, IVA, Address Verification

 Member Centric Projects Only: There is no Approval Center or MRQA sampling.

Project Settings Page Overview - Chart Lake

  1. Project Name: Edit Project Name
  2. Set Project to Active or Inactive
  3. Change Project Owner






Annotations are visible in audit packages but not in the version of the records that Reveleer sends at the end of the project.


Project Settings Tab is the same for all project types: HEDIS, Risk, IVA, Address Verification

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