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Bulk Actions


Bulk Actions

Bulk actions act as a powerful tool to quickly perform a repetitive task across multiple Chase(s), Pend(s), Address(es) or Document(s) at once. Enabling a user to affect, contact or upload large populations of items quickly.

Types of Bulk Actions


(Right click to open in new browser window)  

Bulk Action > Change 

1. Change: Select Change Module in Bulk Actions

2. Chase, Pend, Address or Document: User will choose type based on bulk action to be taken

3. Action to be Taken: User will note all actions to be taken (refer to table below)

4. List of Items to Change: User will list items to change 

5. Confirmation and Report: User will review the list and confirm for action


(Right click to open in new browser window) 

Bulk Action > Outreach 

1. Outreach: Select Outreach Module in Bulk Actions

2. Action Selection: User will determine action type; Fax

3. Package Building: Enter name and sending fax number

4. Chase Selection: User will either list all Chase ID(s) or select fax criteria

5. Outreach Type Selection: User will select outreach type; initial, follow up, past due

6. Error Correction: If platform notes invalid Chase(s), User will be able to correct

7. Confirmation: After submission, confirmation of successful upload notification will appear in top right

8. Move to Pending: Automation will move the Chase(s) to Pending Actions tab

9. Archive: Automation will move the Chase(s) to Archive tab


(Right click to open in new browser window) 

Bulk Upload > Upload 

1. Upload: Select Upload Module in Bulk Actions

2. Ingestion Method: Select the Original Retrieval Method; 3rd Party, Bulk, Chart Lake, EMR, Fax, Field Tech, Mail, MRR, Pend, Portal, Provider Email, PSR

3. Specify Type: Select Format Type; Chase ID, Client Chase Key, documents for Intake, Image Name. A document named for a Chase (eg. 12345678.pdf) will automatically route to the Intake Archive and all pages will be routed to the applicable Chase.

4. File Selection: User will drag and drop medical records or choose files for upload

5. Upload Confirmation: After submission, confirmation of successful upload notification will appear in top right

Change and Actions 

For More Information: 

Change Chases
Change Pends
Change Address
Change Documents
Bulk Outreach

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