Here you can view all Documents retrieved that are waiting to be identified as a Cover Letter, Chase, Pend, or Invoice.
Document Intake Page Overview
- Stats: The stats act as quick filter for the table. Click any stat to see what Documents need to be assigned, have already been assigned, are Active (non-hold), and On Hold
- Active: These are Documents that have been retrieved. The Document Intake table contains the following information: Document File Name, Document ID, Retrieval Method, Date and Time Captured, Total Pages in the Document, who last updated, who is assigned to the document, notes, and document status. All fields can be filtered. Information can be exported
- Archive: This is an archive of your Completed and Removed documents
- Processing: These are all the documents that have been ingested into the Reveleer Platform but are currently being processed.
- Access Document: To access a Document, click the File Name located in the first column of the table
- Provider Gateway: Provider Gateway uploads provide additional details such as Address ID and Confirmation Number.
Archive Tab
- From Document Intake, click the Archive tab
- Completed: These are your completed documents
- Removed: These are your removed documents
Processing Tab
These are all the documents that have been ingested into the Reveleer Platform but are currently being processed. Users can query documents in Processing by using the Provider Gateway Confirmation Number as well as AID.
Please Note: You will not be able to view the documents until processing has completed
- From Document Intake, click the Processing tab
- Processing: These are total documents that are processing (please note that this number updates every 15 minutes)
- File Name of the document uploads
- If uploaded on Provider Gateway Chart Drop, the table will display the Address ID
- If uploaded on Provider Gateway Chart Drop, the table will display the Confirmation Number (This is the number the provider receives after upload)
Assign Single Document
- Locate File Name on the table
- Click the 3-dot action button to the right of the table
- Select Assign To
- Select User
- To finalize, click Assign
- To cancel, click Cancel

Assign Multiple Documents
- Using the checkbox, select 1 or Files
- Click Assign To
- Select User
- To finalize, click Assign
- To cancel, click Cancel

Download a Document
- Locate File Name on the table
- Click the 3-dot action button to the right of the table
- Select Download
- A PDF will begin to download automatically
Remove a Document
- Locate File Name on the table
- Click the 3-dot action button to the right of the table
- Select Remove
Note: Removing a Document will also remove all Chase associations |
User Permissions Administrator Lead: Retrieval Lead Manager: Document Intake Manager |