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Tag Manager

This is where you can Add, Edit, Delete, and Replace Address, Document, and Chase tags across your Service Organization.



Tag Manager Page Overview


  1. Navigation: These are all Tags across your service Organization  
  2. Total: This shows you the total tags created 
  3. Tag Categories: Click through the categories to see specific details about Address, Chase, and Document tags
  4. Manage: Here you can edit tag name, delete a tag from the system, or replace a tag with another tag
  5. Total Chases/Documents/Addresses: This tells you how many times that tag has been applied 
  6. Tag Color: This is the color of your Tag  
  7. Create New: Here you can create a new tag for your Service Organization 
  8. Search: Here you can search all tags in your Service Organization

Manage Tags - Add New 

1. Click Create New Tag 

2. Select Tag Type 

a. Address

b. Chase

c. Document

3. Enter desired Tag Name 

4. Optionally, select a color

5. To finalize, click Confirm 

6. To Cancel, click Cancel 


Manage Tags - Edit Existing

1. Locate Tag 

2. Click the 3-dot action button to the right of the table 

3. Select Edit Tag Name 

4. Edit Tag Name 

5. To finalize, click Confirm 

6. To cancel, click Cancel

Manage Tags - Delete from System 

1. Locate Tag 

2. Click the 3-dot action button to the right of the table 

3. Select Delete Tag 

4. You will be prompted to confirm deletion

5. To finalize, click Confirm 

6. To cancel, click Cancel 

Manage Tags - Replace


1. Locate Tag 

2. Click the 3-dot action button to the right of the table 

3. Select Replace Tag 

4. Select Replacement Tag 

5. To finalize, click Confirm

6. To cancel, click Cancel 


All actions are permanent. editing, replacing, and deleting tags will update all associated tags on associated Addresses, Chases and Documents. 

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