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Pend Code Manager


Pend Code Manager Overview

  1. Pend Categories: Pend Codes are organized by Type. You can see all at a glance. 
  2. Pend Totals: This number represents total enabled pends in that category
  3. Enable/Disable: Pends are enabled and disabled via checkboxes. Some pends are not able to be disabled because they are part of Medical Record Retrieval. 
  4. Create Custom Pend Codes: Here is how you create custom pend codes for your service org. They will appear in the ‘Custom Created Codes’ category.

Enable Pends


  1. From Service Org, locate the Pend Code Manager tab
  2. Click a Pend Category
  3. Click checkbox to Enable Pend Code
  4. To finalize, click Save 

Disable Pends

  1. From Service Org, locate the Pend Code Manager tab
  2. Click a Pend Category
  3. Click checkbox off to Disable Pend Code
  4. To finalize, click Save 


Create Pend Code

1. From Service Org, locate the Pend Code Manager tab

2. Click Create New Pend Code

3. Enter Pend Name 

a. This will display when the user selects a Pend Code from a drop-down menu

4. Enter Pend Code Description

a. This information is not displayed to users

5. Select Default Owner

a. This determines who is responsible for resolving this pend

6. Select if the chase should auto close

a. This determines if the chase should close when the pend is selected

7. Select if pend should be flagged as clinical

a. This determines whether the pend should show up for clinical or retrieval

8. To finalize, click Create

9. To cancel, click Cancel


Pend Code ID is auto-generated. 


Edit Pend Code

1. From Service Org, locate the Pend Code Manager tab

2. Click category Custom Created Codes

3. Locate desired pend and click the Edit button

4. Edit desired fields

5. To finalize, click Save

6. To cancel, click Cancel



Any changes made to Pend Codes will not be applied to chases that have already been pended. Changes will only apply to new pends.  




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