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Provider Statement FAQ

What is a Provider Statement?
A Provider Statement is an automated email or fax sent weekly to provider offices.  It serves as a simple reminder of any outstanding medical records that have been requested with an easy upload option.  



What are the benefits of using Provider Statements? 
More charts in the door! Sending weekly statements to providers with outstanding chases increases the likelihood of receiving medical records without the need to perform additional manual outreach. Providers benefit too! Less phone calls to disrupt their busy day while also providing a simple way to upload records. 


How often are Provider Statements sent? 
Provider statements are automatically sent every Monday evening. The first statement will be sent to a Provider one week after the first Provider Packet is sent via Outreach Type: Email or Fax.  


What information is provided in the Provider Statement?

The provider statement show providers at-a-glance the total number of records that are still outstanding. 


Will all addresses get Provider Statements? 
No, these statements will only be sent from Addresses marked as 'PSR' that were also sent a provider packet by outreach type email or fax. The address also needs to be marked as valid. (providers and contact information validated). Statements will send to the preferred contact method of the address if it is set to fax or email. If a preferred method is not set, the system will try via email if one exists and fall back to fax. Addresses in a SH status will not be part of the statements process. They will not be sent to addresses marked as ‘3rd party’, ‘EMR’, or ‘Field Tech’. 


What email address will the Provider Statements come from? 
Provider Statements are generated automatically and sent from secure.retrieval@reveleerplatform.com if done by email. They will send from the fax number configured for the SO if being sent via fax.


Can a Provider respond to a Statement email? 
No, a provider is not able to directly respond to an email statement. If the provider wishes to speak to someone, a phone number is provided in the email.  


Can Providers submit records through the email? 
No, a provider is not able to directly respond to an email statement. At the bottom of the statement, there is a link to Reveleer’s secure medical record upload portal with a security code. Providers will be able to use the Reveleer’s secure medical record upload portal for uploading medical records. 


Is there a Provider Packet associated with Statements? 
Yes, the provider packet will contain everything that’s been configured with the exception of a cover letter. The provider packet can be downloaded from the contact history of an Address, under the Provider Packet. 


Can I disable the Provider Statements? 
Yes, there is a toggle in Service Organization configurations which allows Admins to disable/enable the weekly statement for the entire organization.


What if Providers do not want to receive Statements? 

If a specific address does not want to receive statements a SH reason can be added to have it fall out of the process. 


Will Provider Statements appear in the Address Timeline?  
Yes, provider statements will appear in the address timeline as follows: “Provider Statement Sent Successfully to <email/fax> as well as the date and time at which it was sent. 


Will Provider Statement appear in the Address Contact History?  
Yes, provider statements will appear in the contact history with a contact type of “Provider Aging Statement” and will include the provider packet for download. 

Can I preview the Provider Statement? 
Yes, you can preview an example email in the Service Organization configurations, under Provider Emails by clicking “Preview Statement”. 


How do I know that the Provider received a Statement? 
You can verify that the provider received the statement by checking the address timeline or contact history. It will indicate that the email/fax was sent. 


What email will the provider statement be sent to? 
Provider statements are sent to the contact email address or fax number associated with the Address.  


Will I have to manually disable Provider Statements after we’ve retrieved everything? 
No, we automatically stop sending the Provider Statements once all requested chases have been retrieved and/or the chases have been pended.


Will Pended chases appear Provider Statements? 
YesPended chases will show as outstanding on Provider Statements.  


Can I adjust the frequency or timing of Provider Statements? 
Not at this time but maybe in the future. The statements are automatically sent once per week, at 10:00 PM PST each Monday night. 


Why are Provider Statements sent Mondays at 10:00 PM PST? 
We want to maximize the likelihood that the email will be opened and acted upon immediatelyThis time was specifically selected for providers to see their statements first thing Tuesday morning (after the hustle and bustle of a Monday)Additionally, we chose to run them at night to avoid any performance disruption during peak business hours.  

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