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Chase Numerator Level Report

Report Name
Chase Numerator Level Report

About This Report

This report provides insight into compliance at the numerator level, including the compliance type (e.g., non-compliant, hybrid compliant, admin compliant, etc.). Each row within the report contains   information for a single numerator from a single chase. Chases will appear in the report once for every associated numerator (e.g., chase 123 has three numerators, so it will be listed within the report three times).

Project Type


Service Type

Full Service, Platform, Retrieval Only, Clinical Only

Intended User

Manager/Technical User

Best For

Managers who wish to analyze compliance at a detailed level. 

Using This Report

  • Download and aggregate the information via pivot tables
  • Drill down into compliance at a numerator level.
  • Apply filters or create pivot tables to drill down and identify trends or patterns.

What Information Can I Filter?

Abstraction Completed From
Abstraction Completed To

What Do The Fields Mean? 

FieldData Dictionary Definition
Client NameName of the Client
Project NameThe name associated with a project
Line of BusinessThe type of business associated with this chase: Medicare, Medicaid, Commercial
ProductFurther detail for Line of Business, this can be Medicare HIOS number, a Plan ID or Health Plan
AIDInternal identifier (AID) associated with a chase address that has been cleaned/combined and added to the master document source table
Address GroupingData loaded grouper to associate various address IDs into client-desired groups
ProductData loaded grouper to associate various address IDs into client-desired groups
Provider NameFull name for the provider
Chase IDThe internal identifier associated with a chase
Current Pend CodeAn internal identifier for the various reasons that a chase may be pended, awaiting further action/or info to collect or code a medical record
Client Chase KeyThe identifier provided by the client for a chase
Client Member KeyThe client identifier associated with a member
Member Last NameLast name of the member
Member First NameFirst name of the member
Member DOBThe date of birth of the member
GenderThe gender of a member
Measure CodeDetermines the type of an associated chase, which indicates what the coder is seeking to validate
NumeratorDescription associated with a Numerator ID
Compliance CodeAn abbreviation indicating the compliance associated with a given Member
Compliance TypeAn abbreviation indicating the compliance associated with a given Member
Abstractor NameThe name of the user who abstracted the chart
Data Entry DateThe date that the chart attached to a chase has been coded or abstracted
Overreader NameThe name of the user who completed overread 1 for the given chase
Overread DateThe date that a chase was overread
Overreader2 NameThe name of the user who completed overread 2 for the given chase
Overread2 DateThe date that a chase was overread2
Current Workflow StatusThe current workflow state of a given chase
Negative Reason CodeDescription associated with a Negative Reason Code
Co Retrieval OwnerThe organization that is retrieving the chase
Compliance ChangedIf Compliance is changed by abstractor or overreader, this field will be the numerator type
Abstractor Numerator ComplianceThe numerator compliance type determined by the abstractor
Overreader Numerator ComplianceThe numerator compliance type determined by the overreader
Exempt from ScoringChart is exempt from scoring, if this field is populated.

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