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Client Overread2 Report

Report Name
Client Overread2 Report

About This Report

This report captures details on Client Overread at the chase level. It shows project name, chase ID, measure, data entry status, overread status, and overread 2 (client overread) status and count of errors by chase.  In addition, it lists the clinician's name, overreader's name (if applicable), and client overreader name.  A 'Chase Score' is not provided in this report.

Project Type


Service Type

Full Service, Platform, Retrieval Only, Clinical Only

Intended User

Manager / Technical User

Best For

Identifying overreader performance and training needs. 

Using This Report

  • Download and aggregate into pivot tables
  • Drill down into errors by abstractor or measure
  • Identify trends
  • Assess productivity of client overreaders

What Information Can I Filter?

Overread2 Date From
Overread2 Date To

What Do The Fields Mean?

FieldData Dictionary Definition
Project ID The internal identifier associated with a project
Project NameThe name associated with a project
Chase IDThe internal identifier associated with a chase
Address GroupingData loaded grouper to associate various address IDs into client-desired groups
Line of Business
The type of business associated with this chase: Medicare, Medicaid, Commercial
ProductFurther detail for Line of Business, this can be Medicare HIOS number, a Plan ID or Health Plan
Measure Code Determines the type of an associated chase, which indicates what the coder is seeking to validate
Abstraction Status The status of an abstraction
Overread Status The status of an Overread
Overread2 Status The status of an Overread2
Workflow Status Name The status of a chase, based upon its workflow status and pend and invoice status
Report TypeIdentifies whether the quality assurance (QA) review is over read 1 (OR1 internal) or over read 2 (OR2 client)
Coding User IDThe internal identifier associated with a user of the reveleer platform, specifically a coder in this instance
Coding User NameThe name of the user who abstracted the chart
Coding Date The date that the chart attached to a chase has been coded or abstracted
Overread1 User IDThe internal identifier associated with a user of the reveleer platform, specifically a coder in this instance
Overread1 User NameThe name of the user who completed overread 1 for the given chase
Overread1 DateThe date that a chase was overread
Overread2 User IDThe internal identifier associated with a user of the reveleer platform, specifically a coder in this instance
Overread2 User NameThe name of the user who completed overread 2 for the given chase
Overread2 DateThe date that a chase was overread2
Validation Count The number of items evaluated by the over reader
Error CountA count of discrepancies between a coder (user) and over read results
Error Details Provides the differences between the coder and the overreader

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