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Clinical Productivity and Accuracy - Overall

Report Name
Clinical Productivity and Accuracy - Overall  

About This Report

This report provides high level details at the original clinician level of the essential data points used to calculate a QA score. This report includes the total chases that were data entered ,total validations, total errors, time calculations for clinician and their QA score. 

Project Type


Service Type

Full Service, Platform, Retrieval Only, Clinical Only

Intended User


Best For

Quickly view a clinician's QA score, time management and determine training needs and productivity levels.

Using This Report

  • Download and apply filters/pivot tables to determine productivity levels across abstraction and overread. 

What Information Can I Filter?

Abstraction Completed From
Abstraction Completed To

What Do The Fields Mean? 

FieldData Dictionary Definition
Line of Business
The type of business associated with this chase: Medicare, Medicaid, Commercial
Further detail for Line of Business, this can be Medicare HIOS number, a Plan ID or Health Plan
Abstractor NameThe name of the user who abstracted the chart
Total Chases AbstractedTotal chases abstracted by user
Total Chases OverreadTotal chases Overread by user
Percent QATotal Chases Abstracted / Total Chases Overread
Total ValidationsThe number of items evaluated by the over reader
Total ErrorsA count of discrepancies between a coder (user) and over read results
Time Spent in Abstraction (Minutes)Time spent by a coder on a chart
Abstractor QA ScoreMeasure of abstractor performance. Ratio: (Validation Count - Error Count) / Validation Count

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