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Training Feedback Report

Report Name
Training Feedback Report

About This Report

This report provides the original clinician feedback from the over-reader for training purposes. All errors are captured regardless if critical error or non-critical error.  The report captures chase ID, Measure, and data entry by both the original clinician and over-reader in a side by side comparison to see where discrepancies occurred.  

Project Type: HEDIS

Service Type: All (Full Service, Platform, Clinical)

Intended User

Manager / Technical User

Best For

This report provides training feedback to the original clinician from the over-reader.   The report captures and displays the original data entry and all changes made to the original data during the over-read process.   This report is used for training purposes.   

Using This Report

  • Download and sort by abstractor, over reader, measure, or entity type
  • Monitor which measure/entity/abstractor needs more training

What Information Can I Filter?


What Do The Fields Mean?

FieldData Dictionary Definition
Project IDThe internal identifier associated with a project
Project NameThe name associated with a project
Line of Business
The type of business associated with this chase: Medicare, Medicaid, Commercial
Further detail for Line of Business, this can be Medicare HIOS number, a Plan ID or Health Plan
Chase IDThe internal identifier associated with a chase
Measure CodeDetermines the type of an associated chase, which indicates what the coder is seeking to validate
Abstractor NameThe name of the user who abstracted the chart
Overreader NameThe name of the user who completed overread 1 for the given chase
Entity Type NameNumerator of the chase
Abstractor DataAbstractor Data of the chase for a given measure
Overreader DataOverreader Data of the chase for a given measure

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