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Top 50 AID's with Open Chases

Report Name
Top 50 AID's with Open Chases

About This Report

This report gives a list of Addresses with the highest open chase counts

Project Type


Service Type

Full Service, Platform, Retrieval Only, Clinical Only

Intended User


Best For

This report would help a manager strategize and monitor their retrieval volumes for their most important and high volume sites 

Using This Report

  • Download the report and use within Excel
  • Pivot by expected retrieval count
  • Filter by Last Contact Date

What Information Can I Filter?


What Do The Fields Mean?


FieldData Dictionary Definition
ClientName of the Client
Project IDThe internal identifier associated with a project
Project NameThe name associated with a project
AIDInternal identifier (AID) associated with a chase address that has been cleaned/combined and added to the master document source table
Expected Retrieval MethodThe expected method to retrieve medical charts for a given chase
Group NameName of the facility associated with a processed data load (master) address
Address1 First line of processed data load (master) address
Address2 Second line of processed data load (master) address
CityCity associated with a processed data load (master) address
Address StateGeographical state associated with a processed data load (master) address
ZipcodeZipcode associated with a processed data load (master) address
AID StatusContact status of an AID
Last Contact DateLast contacted date of an AID
Total Call CountDistinct count of contact log IDs
Retrieval NotesCall notes taken by provider service representative (PSR)
Total Additional Collection Call CountThe amount of calls placed for pursuit chases
Total Incoming Call CountThe amount of inbound calls that were placed from Provider to representatives
Total Invoice Call CountThe amount of calls placed regarding invoices
Total Pend Call CountThe amount of calls placed in order to resolve a pended chase
Total Record Collection Call CountThe amount of calls placed in order to retrieve a record
Total Research Call CountThe amount of calls placed to verify provider information
Total Vendor Call CountThe amount of calls placed to research the vendor
Total ChasesShows the unique count of chases in an AID 
Open ChasesShows the unique count of chases that need to be retrieved. Includes dataload chases. Chase Reporting status is "scheduled", "unscheduled", "past due" and workflow status is "dataload", "chart collection" or "waiting for chart".  
Total PendsShows the unique count of pended chases in an AID 
Max Appointment DateThe scheduled date of physical/virtual chart retrieval (EMR, Field Tech)
Max Commitment DateThe scheduled date of physical/virtual chart retrieval (Other Retrieval Methods)
Retrieved CountDistinct count of chases where the reporting status name is retrieved, but excluding pended chases

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