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Provider Outreach by Contact Report

Report Name
Provider Outreach by Contact Report

About This Report

This report gives contact details at an AID level. This report will show the user, date contacted, AID, contact method (Incoming call or Fax), and the result.

Project Type


Service Type

Full Service, Platform, Retrieval Only, Clinical Only

Intended User

Manager/Technical user

Best For

Fax failure reporting and itemization of contact by email, fax, mail, and incoming calls. 

Using This Report

  • Download the report and use within Excel
  • Filter by date, contact method, or contact result for contact metrics.  

What Information Can I Filter?

Contact Method
Start Date
End Date

What Do The Fields Mean? 

Contact Log IDInternal identifier for an attempted contact for a given chase/location
Contact DetailEmail or phone number contacted in regards to the contact log id
Contact DateThe date associated with the user handling the interaction with a chase location
AIDInternal identifier (AID) associated with a chase address that has been cleaned/combined and added to the master document source table
Contact Method TypeInternal identifier for the method of contact (out going call, incoming call or fax)
Call ResultIdentifier for the result of a given contact attempt
Call Result ReasonName of the result for a given contact attempt
Call NotesNotes made during call by a PSR
User NameThe user associated with the user handling the interaction with a chase location
Chase CountThe percentage of chases that are associated with an AID that has been contacted out of the total chases

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