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Project Status Report

Report Name
Project Status Report

About This Report

Shows a breakdown of loaded, retrieved, pended, coded and chase statuses.

Project Type


Service Type

Full Service, Platform, Retrieval Only, Clinical Only

Intended User 

Executive / Manager / Technical User

Best For

Determining project statistics based on chase status

Using This Report

  • View list of which projects are open and closed
  • Determine overall project progress statistics
  • Categorize chases based on different statuses

What Information Can I Filter?


What Do The Fields Mean?

FieldData Dictionary Definition
Client NameName of the Client
Project NameThe name associated with a project
Project IDThe internal identifier associated with a project
Project Start DateThe start date of a project
Project End DateThe end date of a project
Measure CodeDetermines the type of an associated chase, which indicates what the coder is seeking to validate
Chases LoadedDistinct count of chases
Chases PendedDistinct count of chases where the reporting status name is pended
Closed ChasesDistinct count of chases that has pend status of Closed (pend status id 4)
Scheduled ChasesDistinct count of chases where the reporting status name is 'scheduled'
Unscheduled ChasesDistinct count of chases where the reporting status name is unscheduled
Chases RetrievedDistinct count of chases where the reporting status name is retrieved, but excluding pended chases
Chases CodedExcluding pended and data load chases, count distinct of chase ids with workflow status of 'Abstraction'
Backlog ChasesExcluding pended and data load chases, count distinct of chase s with workflow status of 'Chart QA' and abstraction is not yet completed
Compliant ChasesDistinct count of chases that are compliant
Non Compliant ChasesDistinct count of chases that are non-compliant
Line of Business
The type of business associated with the chase
This is also known as health plan

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