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User Productivity Report

Report Name
User Productivity Report

About This Report

Captures productivity of retrieval and abstraction/coding activities using a date range.

Project Type


Service Type

Full Service, Platform, Retrieval Only, Clinical Only

Intended User 


Best For

Determining productivity and activity across all platform users.

Using This Report

  • Can see what user performance for each task
  • Determine various task counts such as calls made, pends updated, chases abstracted

What Information Can I Filter?

Start Date
End Date

What Do The Fields Mean?

FieldData Dictionary Definition
User IDThe internal identifier associated with a user of the Reveleer platform
User NameThe name associated with a user of the Reveleer platform
Total CallsTotal Calls made by user, with parameters for report user date input
Total Unique AIDs TouchedTotal AIDs contacted by user, with parameters for report user date input
Successful Call CountTotal Successful Calls made by user, with parameters for user date input
Unsuccessful Call CountTotal Unsuccessful calls made by user, with parameters for user date input
Successful Faxes SentTotal successful faxes sent, with parameters for user date input
Successful Email SentTotal successful emails sent, with parameters for user date input
Number of Pends CreatedThe number of pends created by a given user
Number of Pends UpdatedThe number of pends updated by a given user
MRR CompletedDistinct count of the number of chases a user has coded/abstracted, with parameters for report user date input
Overread1 CompletedDistinct count of the number of chases a user has over read, with parameters for report user date input
Total Charts CodedTotal of coded/abstracted chases, with parameters for report user date input
Pages CodedTotal of pages coded/abstracted, with parameters for report user date input

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