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Quality EVE Results Overview

Report Name

Quality EVE Results Overview

About This Report

Executives and Managers can performance of the Evidence Validation Engine at a high-level summary view to monitor efficacy.


Service Type

Full Service, Platform, Client Retrieval Only, Client Clinical Only

Intended User

Executive / Manager

Best For

Viewing EVE Performance

What Information Can I Filter?

Member ID
Abstraction Date
Member Key
Chase ID
Response Date

What do the Data Items Mean? 

Data Item
Total Chases EVE OverreadTotal count of chases sent to EVE
Total MeasuresCount of all measures from the returned query
Total MembersCount of all members from the returned query
Total ProvidersCount of all providers from the returned query
Total Gaps OverreadTotal Gaps Overread
Total EVE MatchTotal count of gaps with EVE match from all the returned query
Total EVE Partial MatchTotal count of gaps with EVE partial match from all the returned query
Total EVE No MatchTotal count of gaps with EVE no match from all the returned query
Average EVE Match% of EVE match count against match, no match and partial match from all the returned query
Average EVE Partial Match% of EVE partial match count against match, no match and partial match from all the returned query
Average EVE No Match% of EVE no match count against match, no match and partial match from all the returned query
NLP Overall Accuracy Rate% of total match and partial match against all results by the EVE
Total Gaps OverreadTotal of all EVE results reviewed and submitted by an overreader
Total Gaps ReviewedTotal of all EVE results reviewed by an overreader
Total Gaps Not ReviewedTotal of all EVE results not yet reviewed by an overreader
Avg Gaps Reviewed% of gap results reviewed by an overreader against total EVE results
Total Gaps Overreader AgreesTotal count of gaps with overreader acceptance = Agree from all the returned query
Total Gaps Overreader DisagreesTotal count of gaps with overreader acceptance = Disagree from all the returned query
NLP Overreader Accuracy Rate% of gaps with overreader acceptance = Agree against total EVE results reviewed by an overreader

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