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Release Notes 12-01-2021

Service Org Settings

NEW: Outbound Call Number 
This number is used for calls made by users from within the Reveleer platform. To configure or update this number, please contact Reveleer support.

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UPDATE: Additional Info on Service Org Settings 
We have added ‘info’ hovers to the following fields Contact Phone, Outbound Call Number, and Fax. 

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UPDATE: Label Update 
Label update: Telephone = Contact Phone

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Project Settings

NEW: Provider Confirmation
This is a new HEDIS Project configuration. When enabled, Abstractors will have the opportunity to update the associated provider to the medical record. If disabled, the dropdown will not display on the data entry screen. 

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User Management

NEW: Role Type Read-Only
We have created a new Role Type called Read-only. The read-only role has very limited functionality. Users can view all pages except Admin Settings. Users can query tables and export those results. 

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Retrieval Pends

NEW: Retrieval Pend Stats
At top of retrieval pends page, the following stats have been added:

  • New: Total number of retrieval pends in a 'new' status
  • In Progress: Total number of retrieval pends in an 'In Progress' status
  • Reveleer: Total number of retrieval pends that are owned by Reveleer in a 'new' or 'in progress' status
  • Client: Total number of retrieval pends that are owned by client in a 'new' or 'in progress' status

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NEW: Preferred Request Method
You can define if a site prefers a certain method of outreach for requesting records. The preferred method will also determine if the weekly statement is emailed or faxed. Click Edit to add/update preferred request method. Options are: 

  • Fax
  • Email
  • Mail

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NEW: Fax version of the weekly provider statement
In addition to weekly email statements, provider offices can now receive a statement via fax. The new Preferred Outreach Method will determine if an email or a fax statement is sent to an address.


Provider Packet

Updates to Member Pull List Review Periods for TRC and PPC

  • For TRC, review period reads (<discharge date - 3 months> - 12/31/<review year>)
    1. ex. discharge date = 5/1/2021 -- review period = (2/1/2021-12/31/2021)
  • For PPC, review period reads (<delivery date - 9 months> - 12/31/<review year>)
    1. ex. delivery date = 6/1/2021 -- review period = (9/1/2020 - 12/31/2021)


Vendor Pages

NEW: Call Functionality 
You can now make calls to Vendors directly from the Vendor Homepage. This helps to streamline the 3rd party retrieval process as well as increases visibility into 3rd party retrieval activity. Not only can this activity be viewed from within the vendor homepage, but calls made directly to vendors will also be visible from within the relevant AIDs.

Additionally, there is now a contact history tab within the vendor homepage which captures all calling activity as well as any notes left for a vendor. 

If call is successful:

  • User is prompted to enter a note (not required)
  • User is prompted to enter 'spoke to' (not required)
  • User clicks "submit call notes"

If call is unsuccessful:

  • User is prompted to enter a note (not required)
  • User clicks "submit call notes"


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Data Entry

NEW: Member Validation workflow

Member Validation has been simplified. You no longer need to select from a dropdown and click submit. You simply click Yes or No. Color indicators help to quickly identify if the member has been validated or not.



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NEW: Source Column
Each HEDIS event will now show you the Data Source for that information. Source will always be located to the right of an event.

  • ADMIN = Admin Data

  • MR = Medical Record. An abstractor/overread performed the data entry

 Sources currently in development:

  • SM: Supplemental Data
  • NLP: NLP performed the Data Entry

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UPDATE: Compliance Table 
We have made some visual updates to the compliance table to increase legibility.


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UPDATE: Assign Chase 
In addition to being able to assign the chase from the Chase Info tab, you can now assign directly from the Chart tab.

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UPDATE: Pend Button Location & Color 
We have relocated the Pend button from the right side of the screen to the left. We have also changed the way it looks. Previously it was dark blue, now it is Grey.

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UPDATE: Label Update
Member Query is now called Chart Lake

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NEW: Link to Data Companions
Curious to learn more about a specific report? You can quickly access our knowledgebase to review our data companions. Each Data companion contains info about the Report, Project type, Service Type, Intended User, Best For, Filter Options, and Data Dictionary.

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UPDATE: IVA Projects: HCC by Enrollee ID

Added three new columns to HCC by Enrollee ID Report. Charts chased and retrieved are now visible to allow program managers to quickly determine which unvalidated HCCs need additional chart retrieval prioritization.

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