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Product Release Notes 11.09.2022


UPDATE: Project & HIOS Filter

Since Project is now a required field, we have removed the HIOS filter from the following Reports: ENR Status, HCC by Enrollee ID, HCC by Stratum, IVA Diagnosis Data, IVA HST Prioritization, and RXC Status.  



NEW: HEDIS Project Setting

New HEDIS project setting to determine if Demographic (Race & Ethnicity) should be required or not for chase submission.

  • If "Required" is selected – Both Race & Ethnicity fields will be required. Abstractor is required to enter the data and will not be able to submit the chase without entering the data for Race & Ethnicity.
  • If "Not Required" is selected – the Race & Ethnicity fields will be hidden from the Data Entry Screen and user will be able to submit the chase without entering the data for Race & Ethnicity.





NEW: Single Sign On

Customers can now purchase single sign on for their organization. This feature provides users with a more seamless experience when logging into reveleer as well as enables an organization to have more control over which users can access the reveleer platform. For more information on using single sign on for your organization, please reach out to your CSM.






My Work

NEW: My Work – Addresses Stats

  1. Successful Calls Today (Previously labeled Calls Today)
  2. Total Calls Today (This includes both successful and unsuccessful calls)



NEW: Admin Measure – SPD (Statin Therapy for Patients with Diabetes)

New measure SPD is available for MY 2022 and MY 2023. No NLP for Overread as it is new measure.


NEW: HEDIS – Overread EVE for Demographic Validation

EVE will now validate Race & Ethnicity during her Overread review. This update applies to the following Measures: CBP, HBD, COL, and PPC for MY 2022.


NEW: HEDIS – Member Centric Chase Submission

For Member Centric Projects, the chases will not move to Overread until all member Chases have been abstracted. When the last chase has been abstracted and submitted, all the chases will move to Overread for a member. This ensures that the Overreader can review complete chart for a member at once.


The Member centric chases submitted after MRR will automatically be pended with PC-305 (Holding chase for Member Centric Overread) until the last chase has been abstracted and submitted. Once the last chase is submitted, all the PC-305 for that member will be automatically resolved and move to Overread. This process runs every 5min, therefore, PC-305 may be applied to last chase also for a brief period. Users cannot manually assign this PEND to a chase or disable it from their organization.

If for any reason you do not want to hold the chases, simply resolve the Pend(s).


Example: Member has 3 chases

  1. Chase #1, User performs data entry during MRR and submits: The chase is pended with PC-305
  2. Chase #2, User performs data entry during MRR and submits: The chase is pended with PC-305
  3. Chase #3, User enters the data and submits
  4.  PC-305 gets automatically resolved for Chase #1 and Chase #2
  5. All the three chases move to Overread, together.



UPDATE: Risk 2.0 - Admin Encounter Validation

We have converted the Encounter Validation from a dropdown to buttons. This will reduce a click for our coders and give a better visual indicator of validation status. 



UPDATE: Risk – Coder Added Dx Card Clean-Up

  • Removed EVE Icon as it is not relevant to Coder added Dx
  • Updated styles to match other Dx Cards
  • ICD was displaying as a dropdown instead of an open search


UPDATE: Risk – Delete EVE Dx in Overread

Overread 1 and 2 users can delete an EVE Dx if they do not agree using TRASH icon



UPDATE: HEDIS - CIS – Rota Virus

There cannot be the same date of service for Rotavirus 2 & Rotavirus 3 at the chase level. The system will not allow users to enter the same dates for Rotavirus 2 and Rotavirus 3 at the chase level. However, the system will allow for Rotavirus 2 and Rotavirus 3, at the sample level as the member can have two chases with the same DOS and one for Rotavirus 2 and another for Rotavirus 3 as below. 

Chase #1              Rotavirus 2          1/10/2022

Chase #2              Rotavirus 3          1/10/2022



Following measures have been updated for HEDIS MY 2023. Now the system has capability to handle two years: MY 2022 & MY 2023 simultaneously.


Provider Gateway 

UPDATE: AID Chase Table > New Fields

The following fields are now available under the AID Chases Custom Views: Client Member ID & TIN




UPDATE: Timeline Events for Vendor Calls and Notes

When contact is made to a vendor using one of the vendor home pages, the contact history will now be permanently written to each AID that has open chases with the vendor at the time of the call. 



NEW: Capture AID for Chart Routing

When documents are submitted via Provider Gateway, the AID is captured and used to increase the accuracy of chart routing. This functionality has now been extended to documents submitted through other ingestion methods by identifying the AID with OCR (Optical Character Recognition) when possible. The AID will appear in the intake screen when it is available.





UPDATE: Pend Improvements 

New fields have been added to the pend screen and pends table to improve overall pend workflow for users and give the ability to see all necessary information without having to navigate away from the page. 


  1. Retrieval and Clinical Custom Views can now include: NPI and Provider Name
  2. Users can Filter on NPI & Provider Name
  3. AID is clickable



Use can now select multiple Products when performing a query.



NEW: Global Search > Addresses

Address results for a Global Search will now display the following fields: City, State, Group Name


UPDATE: Chart Lake Pagination

The sub grid on Chart Lake matches now has Pagination

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