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Product Release Notes 01-05-2022

General Application 

NEW: In-App Training Tours 

We have added in-app training tours throughout the platform. Each tour includes links to related knowledgebase articles. We hope you find them useful and informative!  


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NEW: Submit Feature Request 

You can now submit your own ideas, features, and enhancements to Reveleer. We want to hear from you on how we can continue to improve our platform.  


  1. From Help section, select Submit Feature Request 
  2. A new browser window will open a form 
  3. Enter required fields and click Submit   
    • You can submit as many ideas as you would like 
  4. You will get an email notification letting you know we’ve received your feature request with a copy of your request 
    1. We’ll also get an email


Please connect with your CSM for additional information.  

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UPDATE: Compliance Filters 

We have updated our compliance filters: C/ADMIN, C/MR, C/SM, E/ADMIN, E/MR, E/SM, PC, NC, NC/C. 

Please note: NC/E is now E/MR 

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UPDATE: Pend Details Page 

Improvements to page margins for platform consistency.  


Service Organization 

UPDATE: Provider Emails 

We have updated the text on the Provider email tab to remove the word ‘email’. Our provider statements are now available for both email and fax. 



NEW: Project SettingMax Pages per Chase 

This setting can be used to limit the number of pages that can be attached to a chase. If the number of pages exceeds the limit set here, the chase will automatically move to Document QAIf there is no limit entered, all chases will be able to move to data entry regardless of page count.  


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UPDATE: Label Update 

Under HEDIS Settings, ‘% Non-Compliant Exclude’ will now display as % Exclusion 


UPDATE: Child Chase Creation 

This setting determines what happens when pages are added to a chase that has already gone through data entry. This applies whether the pages are added manually or by an automated process. 

  • Send to Document Approval Center: Any pages attached to a chase in Overread or beyond go to the Document Approval Center 
  • Automatically Approve: Any pages attached to a chase in Overread or beyond are automatically Approved and a child chase is created 
  • Automatically Deny: Any pages attached to a chase in overread or beyond are automatically denied 
    • system document tag will be added that reads "Child Chase Denied" 


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UPDATE: Inactive Chases 

This setting determines what happens when pages are added to a chase that is in an inactive status. This applies whether the pages are added manually or by an automated process. 

  • Send to Document Approval Center: Any pages attached to an inactive chase will go to the Document Approval Center 
  • Automatically Approve:Any pages attached to an inactive chase are automatically approved and chase is activated 
  • Automatically Deny:Any pages attached to an inactive chase will be automatically denied 
    • A system tag will be added to the document that reads "Activation Denied" 


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NEW: Employee Permission 

New employee level permissionManage Document Pages in Data Entry. This will allow employees to manage individual pages while performing Data Entry  


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UPDATE: Client Lead Role 

Client Lead role will no longer have access to the following invoice pages: 

  • Invoices > Invoices > Documents 
  • Invoices > Invoices > Chases 
  • Invoices > 3rd party management 



NEW: Invoice Tab Column 

From a 3rd Party Address, under the Invoice Tab you will find a new column called Invoice Status. This column can be sorted. 


UPDATE: Invoice Tab Column 

From a 3rd Party Address, under the Invoice Tab you will find the Status column now has label of Approval Status. 


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NEW: Address Information Field: EMR System 

PSR Address information will now display EMR system, if any. This field can be edited using the 'Edit' button. 

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Data Entry 

UPDATE: Update for Exclusions 

Reveleer has released updates regarding Exclusions.  


NC/E (Non-Compliant Exclude) has been replaced with E/MR (Exclude Medical Record) 

Two new Compliance Codes have been added: C/SM (Compliant Supplemental) & E/SM (Exclude Supplemental) 



  • Current scoring of a chase – looking across all chase numerators, does change 
  • Current scoring of a sample – looking across all member/measure chases, numerators, does change 
  • The presence of an exclude on any member/measure chase, will score exclude across all member/measure chases at the sample level 
  • The presence of an exclude on any chase will score all numerators for that chase as exclude at the chase and sample level 


Hierarchal Scoring: 

(Applied at the chase and at the sample level) 

  1. Exclusions 
  2. Compliant 
  3. Non-Compliant/Contra 
  4. Non-Compliant  


NEW: Supplemental Data Source 

New Data Source: Supplemental. Reveleer now has ability to ingest and display Supplemental Data for HEDIS chases. Supplemental data will display in purpleThe Source column will display SMThe Compliance table will display as C/SM or E/SM (Compliant Supplemental or Excluded Supplemental)  



  • Supplemental data cannot be edited 
  • Supplemental data cannot be deleted 
  • User can add additional fields via the Plus icon 


Hierarchal Scoring: 

When evidence to support a numerator event is found across multiple data sources, a compliance hierarchy is applied: 

  1. Administrative Data 
  2. Medical Record Data 
  3. Supplemental Data 


Exceptions: if Date is for A1c Test or B/P is greater than MR or Admin Data.  

In the below example: The HepB: C/MR because MR data is making it compliant 

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NEW: Measure AMO 

Measure AMO (Annual Monitoring for Persons on Long-Term Opioid Therapy) is now available in the Reveleer Platform.  



Percentage of members 18 years and older as of the first day of the measurement period who are prescribed long-term opioid therapy and have not received a drug test at least once during the measurement year. 



  • Confirmation of Drug Test 
  • Date of Service: Date of service that drug test was document or Date of Service where drug test refusal is noted. 
  • Results of Drug Test: Drop down of Present or Absent from Medical Record 



  • If drug test DOS is in MY and Results are Present – score compliant  
  • If drug test DOS is in MY and Results are Absent – score non-compliant 


NRC Codes: 

  • Drug test ordered, no evidence of results 
  • Drug test refused   
  • Drug test present in MR, not in MY year 



  • None 



  • Not age 18 or older in MY 
  • Hospice service or benefit used in MY * 
  • Note: If hospice is selected for a member regardless of measure, all chases for that member would be NC/E* 
  • Member with diagnosis of cancer during MY 


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Data Load 

UPDATE: Download Instructions 

In the data load screen, when you select a HEDIS project, the download instruction will download the latest HEDIS specs. 


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UPDATE: Chase Query Comments 

View Comments link will only be visible when the chase has comments.  


UPDATE: Chase Query Comments download 

The ‘Comments column is now available for export. 



UPDATE: Life of a Chase 

Added Client Member Key to allow for better member analytics. Column  will display as: Member Source Alias ID.


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