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April 2019 - Sprint 1 (Part 2)

1. Additional Pend Grid Columns and Filters
We added the following filterable columns to the Pend Grid.

ColumnFilter Type
Invoice CompanyDropdown values
Invoice AmountN/A
ProductDropdown values
Address GroupGroup name | Text input
CityText input
StateDropdown values


2. We now have the ability to assign documents in bulk within the Doc Intake Grid



3. Document Request reference within Chase Details
We added a documentation request reference that includes details about how many documents were requested, the date the request was initiated, the username of the requester, and a tooltip showing the name of each document. The document ID links to the document requested details within the PSR screen.


4. Unobstructed Chase Search within Doc Intake and Doc QA
The 'Search Chase' interaction within Doc Intake and Doc QA now appears above the Chart Viewer, allowing users an unobstructed view into the chart when associating pages with Chases, Invoices, or Pends. 

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