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February 2021 - Part 1


BOT Status updates with Iconography
We updated the source information and iconography within the Diagnosis and Encounter grids to provide a more intuitive experience when processing and interpreting BOT results:

  • Now when a coder accepts a BOT Diagnosis recommendation by entering a VRC code, the source value within the Diagnosis grid updates from BOT to BOT ✔ - indicating coder acceptance.

  • And now when a coder accepts a BOT Encounter recommendation by validating the member and the dates of service, the source updates from BOT to BOT ✔ - indicating coder acceptance.

Medical Record OCR Mapping Highlights
Risk NLP users can now click on a dedicated Medical Record OCR Mapping Icon within the Chart Viewer Toolbar to identify all areas/text of the document that relates to medical record information captured by the NLP Bot. This enhanced view makes it even easier to verify values and perform accurate data entry. 

Member Highlights
In our ongoing effort to expedite member confirmation, we automatically turned on blue member highlights upon chart load when a member has NOT been validated.

Provider Highlights
Clinical Risk users can now click on any diagnosis entry and the provider name related to that diagnosis will appear highlighted.

NLP Cleanup due to Removal of ICD
As part of our ongoing effort to support a fluid interaction between the BOT and manual intervention, we have removed corresponding evidence terms appearing within a chart when a user manually removes a BOT diagnosis from the grid.


Default Highlights

Now when a user arrives at the Chart Viewer of a chase which has gone through HEDIS NLP, highlights will display by default. We also expanded our highlighting logic to anchor to medical record values when clicking on an entry within the BOT results table.


New User Homepage Design

Users will now have a one-click option allowing them to access up to three modules from the homepage. Access will vary depending on their role and primary permission configuration.


For example, a Clinical Lead would be able to access Chase Query, Pends, and Analytics and a Retrieval employee could access Addresses, Pends, and Invoices. If a user is assigned more than one permission, they have the option to flip between default views within their profile settings.    

Create New Chase Wizard
When manually creating a new chase, users now have the ability to enter the Address Group (PGID, or Provider Group ID) when updating the Provider Address on step 3. The Member DOB will also be included in the final review step prior to chase creation.


My Pends Page
We expanded our ‘My Work’ module to include a dedicated ‘My Pends’ page where users can work through all the Pends they are assigned to. Users can see pend details, update/resolve pends, or even assign pends to other users.  


‘Pend Reason’ No Longer a Required Field

The previously required-standardized Pend Reason used for the most common pend codes is now optional.   


Bulk Upload Improvements (UI/UX)
When uploading multiple documents through Bulk Upload, there will now be a progress bar for each file to clearly indicate if the upload was successful or not. A scroll bar has also been added to the document box and a "Submit" button has been added to the top of the page to accommodate smaller screens. 


Expand Working Documents
We expanded our recently released chase working document interaction within Document Intake to include both Bulk Uploads via Doc Intake and Location Service scans currently received via Fax or Mail.


Remove Vendor Confirmation Step
We removed the need to confirm an invoice after initial selection. This should allow users to associate vendors and run the invoice process without needing to execute the confirmation step.

Ability to Change Vendor
Retrieval users are now able to change the invoice vendor of AID after it has been assigned.


Invoice Vendor Management moved to Invoice Module
The 3rd Party Management tab has moved from Service Organization settings into the underlying Invoice Module allowing more users to access and maintain their list of copy site vendors.

  • Users with Admin and Leads access can Add/Edit
  • Users with Manager access can view
  • Employee-level users will not be able to access



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