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June 2021 - Part 1

Member Centric 2.0

Our completely redesigned Member Centric suite allows projects and users to perform an end to end Quality Audit at the Member Level. Make sure to check out our comprehensive User Manual 

Below is a high-level breakdown of all the bells and whistles:

Automatic Abstractor Assignments based on Member

GetNext will assign all member chases to the same abstractor.

Document Sync

Document sync is an automated process that ensures all chases for a member always have the same documents.


Document thumbnails make it easy to quickly scan through multiple documents. 

Document Management
Admins, Managers and Leads can manage individual pages within a member’s Document File. Users can even send individual pages back to document intake without disrupting the Abstractor.

New & Removed Pages

This is a new page for clinical users to review New & Removed Pages that have come in for a chase, even if it has been through MRR. Instead of additional documentation going to the approval center as it typically would, it will now appear in the New Pages table.

Multi-Measure Abstraction

Users can abstract all measures for a member in a single-unified view.

Multi-Measure Member Validation

When a user validates a member for a chase, all chases with the same status will also be validated. Same goes for when a member is invalid.

Chart Repository aka 'Chart Lake'

Incremental Data Load Support
We expanded our Chart Lake data ingestion process to include Incremental Data Loads allowing users to add member data and chart information at any/all times.


Automated Chart Routing Configurations
When documents are uploaded and not assigned to a chase, you can now take advantage of our automated document routing capabilities. This process attaches documents to chases without manual intervention.  Users can now turn certain channels on/off in the 'Document Routing' tab within Service Organization settings -- If disabled, documents will go directly to document intake.

Bulk Upload UI/UX Improvements
We made a handful of improvements to the Bulk Upload workflow that will improve the underlying user experience and reduce confusion.

  • Label change: 'MESSAGE' = 'VALIDATION'
    • Under Message (validation), if validation is successful we display = 'Passed' 
    • If validation fails, the label now shows as 'Failed'
  • Under Status, the label had been changed to = 'Document Added to Job Queue'  
  • After submission, the table rows will now no longer be selected 
  • Failed submissions display an error message of 'Unable to Upload Document'


Using Custom Pend Codes in Bulk

Users can now apply any of the custom pends codes created within the Pend Code Manager to chases in bulk.   

Table Exports display results in local time zones
All table export entries that include date-time stamps will now display in the local time zone of the user.

Project ID added as a column within the Project Settings Grid

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