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Product Release 08112021


EMR Access Fields
In order to manage credentials and other critical information for accessing EMR systems remotely, several new fields have been added to EMR addresses in the “Access Information” section. These fields are as follows:

  • URL: This is an open text field for users to store the EMR system URL
  • Credential Status: This is a status for determining whether credentials are active (see next section)
  • 2FA: This is a Yes / No drop down that indicates whether two factor authorization is needed for access
  • Expiration Date: this is a calendar which indicates when credentials will expire
  • Username: If 2FA is not needed, users can store the username for accessing the EMR system here
  • Password: If 2FA is not needed, users can store the password for accessing the EMR system here
    • The password field is hidden by default, and can be viewed by checking the “Show Password” box

EMR Credential Status
A new status has been created as part of the EMR access fields now available in all EMR addresses. This status indicates whether credentials for an EMR system are currently active. The available statuses are “Active”, “Expired”, “Not Requested”, and “Requested”. Users can change this status by clicking “Edit” next to Access Information within an AID.

AID Contact History Redesign
The contact history tab for all addresses has been redesigned for optimal user experience. Instead of a grid, the contact history will now appear more like a timeline, where all events can be seen without clicking through pages of a grid. All events are now divided by the days the event occurred, and notes are visible in full regardless of length. The contact history can now also be filtered on by Date, Contact Type, and Result (success / failure).

New AID Contact stats 
Additional metrics are now visible in the stats bar within addresses. These new metrics are “Total Calls”, “Total Unique Days Called”, “Total Emails”, “Total Faxes” and “Total Notes”.

Provider Pin Reset
The pin used by providers to access the provider portal can now be reset manually by users within the address. Next to the “Provider Pin” field there is now a ‘Reset Pin’ button which can be used by anyone with access to the address. This allows users to reset a pin number for a provider when necessary and give them the new pin directly over the phone in real time.

Approval Center Custom Grid 
The pursuit approval center now features a custom grid, allowing users to decide which fields appear for an improved user experience. There are also the following new fields that will be available in the custom grid: “First Name”, “Last Name”, “HCC Discrepancy”.



Last Coded by
Last coded by will now reflect the last user who submitted the chase, not who is actively assigned to it.   

IVA Diagnosis Code mapping               
Claim Admin Data includes diagnosis codes that map to chases that are HCC only. IVA Diagnosis Codes will now only map to HCC/HST


Member Centric Project

Document Tab Removal
We have removed the document tab because with our new expanded thumbnail view you can do everything you could do on the document tab. 

Double-Click Thumbnail
When using the expanded document thumbnails, you can now double-click a thumbnail to jump to the full size page view.   

Thumbnail Coversheet
Document thumbnails display additional document detail when you hover your mouse over it. You will find the: File name, date it was attached, who uploaded it, the retrieval source, and total pages.  


Gap Project

Provider Packet – Member Pull List
Gap is an available column on the member pull list

Provider Packet – Document Request Guide
All Gap provider packets include a simple 1-page document outlining what documentation is needed for each member gap.



IVA: Chase Move Back History Report 
The Chase Move Back History Report provides users with the ability to monitor when chases moved backward in the history. This can be used to identify when and why chases moved back from the various statuses MRQA, MRR, OR1 and OR2.

Risk: Chase Move Back History Report
The Chase Move Back History Report provides users with the ability to monitor when chases moved backward in the history. This can be used to identify when and why chases moved back from the various statuses MRQA, MRR, OR1 and OR2.

HEDIS: Chase Move Back History Report 
The Chase Move Back History Report provides users with the ability to monitor when chases moved backward in the history. This can be used to identify when and why chases moved back from the various statuses MRQA, MRR, OR1 and OR2.

HEDIS: Clinical Pends with Compliance Change
Captures details on clinical pends created within a specified date range and change in numerator compliance.


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