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Product Release Notes 09012021


IVA Setting
Removed option to disable Provider, VRC, and Service type for IVA Projects. Will always be set to Yes as these are required for HST chases. Other project types will not be affected.

Provider Portal Settings 
We are completely redesigning and simplifying our Provider Upload Portal (AKA Provider Gateway) and because of this update, we have removed the Provider Portal customization section under the Provider Email tab as it is no longer relevant. 



Invoice Tab
Invoice tab has been removed due to lack of use. 

New Tab – Vendors
New tab within the invoice module to give users an easy overview of how 3rd party retrieval vendors are progressing by Vendor, Project, COD, NET30, Addresses, and Pends. Use can quick view stats for Total Vendors, Not30, COD, AIDs, and Chases.

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New Pend
New Clinical Pend PC304: Clinical Clarification Question. This was created for clinicians (MRR, OR) to use when the have a clinical clarification question. 

Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

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Measure Update: BCS and BCS-E
Updates according to NCQA Guidelines

Measure Update: DEV
Updates according to NCQA Guidelines


New HEDIS Project Retrieval Type: Gap

New Project Retrieval type called Gap. This project type allows you to retrieve, abstract and query by specific open gaps.  

Gap Project Creation 
New Project Retrieval type call Gap 

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Gap Provider Packet
The Gap Provider packet includes a column to display all open gaps for that specific Members Measure.

Gap Document Request
Simple 1-page document outlining what documentation is needed for each specific open gap.

Gap Data Load & Instructions
Ability to Data Load Chase and Attribute files for Open Gaps. Includes an instructions guide. 

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Gap Query 
Users can query chases with open gaps by Project, Measure, and Gaps

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Gap Outreach 
Users can perform outreach on addresses that have a blend of gap and non-gap projects. Our system will intuitively know which provider packet to send.

Gap Chases
Gap chases will display on an Address with a column indicating total open gaps, when you hover over the number you can see all open gaps listed, comma separated.

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Gap Pursuits  
Gap pursuits can be automatically created when a chart goes to Delivery status and there are still open gaps. System will only create the pursuit once. 

Gap Clinical Scoring  
Users can abstract the entire chart and we will save that information, but we will only score the events that were provided at dataload.

Gap NRC Optional 
NRC is optional for all Gap projects. This allows users to submit chases with empty events.



The IVA protocols now have a new ruling around provider signature. If VRC 51 is selected, users will also need to choose one of the following:

  • VRC 52 - EMR Document, Signature is Absent
  • VRC 53 - EMR Document, Signature is Pending
  • VRC 54 - Non-EMR Document, Signature Deficiency

VRC UI Improvement 
For better visibility and usability we have increased the font size and remove button for selected VRCs. This feedback was received during a Clinical Lab, thank you for the suggestion! 

New Validation 
Validation Error message for manually added Encounters if user tries to submit without selecting a Service Type.


Chart Lake

Unique Member Index 
This new identifier will allow us to view a member and their chases across all projects in a single view – regardless of Member ID/Member Key. As a first step it has been implemented for Member Query: Search, Table View, Member File, and Copy Chart. This new parameter will be labeled “Member Index” in the application.

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Member Centric

Thumbnail Improvement
Thumbnail sizes are now responsive based on the user’s computer screen and resolution. 

Manual Chase assignment 
When manually assigning member chases, we will look to see if there are additional member chases available. You can decide to assign all chases or you can opt out and only assign the ones you’ve selected. 


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